Monday, September 30, 2019

Effective Study Skills are the Sole Foundation of a Sound Education Essay

This essay intends to discuss whether effective study skills are the sole foundation to a sound education. A helpful start is to try to understand what is meant by the term study skills. Wikipedia (2014) defines study skills as â€Å"techniques to assess the individual to be an effective learner† and suggests that â€Å"any skill which boosts a students ability to study and pass exams can be termed as a study skill.† The word, skill, is further explained by Cottrell (2013) as â€Å"†¦a learned activity, something that can be developed through practice.† This suggests that anyone can successfully achieve a sound level of education. If skills such as time management, research skills, written skills and people skills can be learned, then perhaps everyone has the equal chance of success in their chosen topic of study. The C.R.E.A.M. Strategy for learning (Cottrell 2013) allows us to build further on the subject of study skills by looking at the learning process and breaking it down into four areas. It is then easy to see where individual study skills can be applied in the learning process. The acronym C.R.E.A.M. Stands for: C – creative, R – reflective, E – effective, A – active, M- motivation. Looking into each of these areas in more depth may give the student opportunity to examine the factors that may influence the learning process and be able to focus on, develop and apply the skills and strategies that they might find most effective. At the same time, weakness that may hinder the learning process, could be identified and dealt with. It seems to suggest that study skills and strategies can be taught, learned and implemented by any individual, so allowing anyone to gain a sound education by using these learned skills. However, there are many factors that may heavily influence the teaching and learning ofthese study skills in the first place, so affecting the implementation of the skills in order to succeed in education. Taylor (2014) believes that â€Å"in order for a student to learn there, are several factors that must be considered. Most of these factors are external†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Indeed, Mondal (2014) tell us there are seven factors that may influence a student: The intellectual factor ie. (i)the individuals intelligence level; (ii)learning factors such as poor or faulty  teaching or learning methods; (iii)physical factors eg. physical development or defects, sensory defects or general ill health; (iv)mental factors especially attitude; (v)emotional and social factors such as instincts, emotions, cooperation or rivalry;(vi)teachers personality; (vii)environmental factors for example, physical conditions at home or place of study. These factors go some way to identifying what may affect the way in which study skills can be learned and used effectively and of course many more could be mentioned too such as cultural and economic factors. In conclusion, effective study skills are vital for the development and continuing success in the education of an individual. However, the successful learning and implementation of these skills can be so heavily influenced by an abundance of outside factors, that it would be difficult to ultimately say that effective study skills are the sole foundation of a sound education. References Cottrell, S. (2013). The Study Skills Handbook, 4th Edition, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke Mondal, P. (2014). 21 March 2014 Taylor, D (January 2014). Factors That influence Student Learning,, 21 March 2014 20 March 2014

Sunday, September 29, 2019


INDEX 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 2. FEASIBILITY STUDY a) ABSTRACT b) PROBLEM STATEMENT c) FORMULATION OF SOLUTION STRATEGIES and d) ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATE SOLUTIONS 3. REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS a) HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS b) SRS DOCUMENT i. SOFTWARE MODEL ii. ARCHITECTURAL PATTERN iii. DESIGN PATTERN iv. SCOPE AND PROCESS v. OUTLINE OF ANALYZED PROCESSES 4. SYSTEM DESIGN a) PROJECT SYNOPSIS b) ER-DIAGRAMS c) UML DIAGRAMS i. USECASE DIAGRAMS ii. CLASS DIAGRAMS iii. SEQUENCE DIAGRAMS d) DATABASE DESIGN 5. MAINTENANCE 6. CONCLUSION 7. BIBLIOGRAPHY ABSTRACT ? Name of the Project: e-Ticketing Vision: The Ultimate motto of the project addresses all the problems that were faced by the current traveling agencies. Coming to the feasibility aspect the current project focuses on 1) Economical Feasibility 2) Technical Feasibility 3) Operational Feasibility ? Deliverables/ Functional Specification:- 1. Current Administrators 2. Current Agents 3. Customers 4. Details of the services. 5. Timings, Sourc e, Destination details. Note: The application should be secured with different levels of access control. INITIAL INVESTIGATION Project Request and Problem initializationThe first step in System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is the identification of need. The user request identifies the need for change and authorizes the initial investigation. The objective is to determine whether the request is valid and feasible. The outcome of the initial investigation is the presentation of results called project proposal. An acceptance signature on the project proposal by the authorized person and its acceptance by the MIS department makes it a formal agreement to proceed with the detailed analysis and design of the candidate system. PROBLEM DEFINITION:This project is basically about the â€Å"e-Ticketing† for â€Å"xxxxxxxxxx†. The existing procedure of â€Å"e-Ticketing† was done locally respective to the travelling agency, looking up and checking the various details of di fferent services in different places was a tedious and cumbersome process. It was even error prone and definitely not a pleasant task to perform. There are many problems involved in the existing system and has the following limitations- †¢ Time consuming (All process was done involving manually). †¢ Lack of integration. †¢ Difficulty in data processing (Since for each time the customer has to manually involve). Changing the decision at the last moment is a tedious task. †¢ Difficulty in viewing the service details. These were the chief reasons for the development of the project. To alleviate the above lacuna and thus achieving better information retrieval, the organization has decided to introduce the use of â€Å"e-Ticketing† FORMULATION OF SOLUTION STRATEGIES AND ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATE SOLUTIONS Organizations today can be benefit from the availability of these alternatives and evaluate how they can best benefit from them in the short to long term. Full tr easury centralization is today more accessible than ever.The traditional centralizing structures are still the preferred options, but payment factories are becoming more critical as the integration layer between treasury and the rest of the organization. Furthermore, strategic outsourcing is lowering the investment and project risk barriers and can significantly reduce the execution time of a centralization initiative if not even leap-frog some of the intermediate phases. While organizational centralization is a concept that is well understood, its practical application faces many challenges that often lead to a slow progression towards fully centralized management models.Transition can take different forms and can proceed at different speeds depending on the corporate organization. Individual business as well as form-wide initiatives, driven by cost efficiency, process integration or performance visibility, generate new centralization-fostering opportunities The use of reference to centralization terminology requires some qualifications: †¢ Strategic coordination – the less intrusive form, relying on policies, procedures and guidelines centrally issued. Compliance control – based on a formal and strict compliance and reporting framework, which could extend to central approval for certain activities †¢ Mandated execution – involving the transfer of some value-adding activities to a central entity †¢ Functional consolidation – migration and reorganization of entire activities into a new infrastructure Over the past decade functional centralization has experienced a strong acceleration thanks to rapid developments in application technology and communication protocols.By breaking down some of the barriers to effective exchange, access and circulation of data and information, the functional distribution of tasks and activities can be designed in a more flexible manner. Business applications can be deployed as single globa l installations and accessed remotely and securely. They can interface more easily with other systems and integrate a number of independent or standalone processes. The combination of these features takes centralization to a new level of sophistication and at the same time makes it more accessible and appropriate to a broader number of organizations.While organizational centralization is a concept that is well understood, its practical application faces many challenges that often lead to a slow progression towards fully centralized management models. Transition can take different forms and can proceed at different speeds, depending on the corporate organization. â€Å"Centralization† is commonly associated with a number of strong benefits that range from pure cost savings to control improvement, full compliance with corporate policies, process standardization, increased productivity and expertise consolidation. Hardware and software Requirements User interface requirements: D reamweaver MX.IDE : Eclipse Database requirements : Oracle8. 1 Server : Tomcat 5. 0 Preferred Technologies : JavaScript, Java ( Jdbc 2. 0,Servlets2. 1, JSP 1. 2 ,Struts) SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS MODEL In this project we are using the â€Å"Evolutionary Model† which is also referred to as the successive versions model and sometimes as the Incremental model. Comparison of different life cycle models Although classical waterfall model is the basic model for all the other life cycle models but it cannot be used in practical development projects, since these models supports no mechanism to handle the errors during the phases.This problem is overcome in iterative waterfall model but it is not suitable for very large projects and for projects that are subject to many risks. This model assumes that the requirements be completely specified before the next of the development activity can start, it cannot be satisfactorily used in projects where only rough requirements are available at the beginning of the project. This model creates blocking states in the system i. e. , some team members would have to wait for a phase to be complete before they can start their next activity. This is clearly wastage of resources and such wastages are rarely tolerated in real projects.In this life cycle model, the software is first broken down into several models (or) functional units, which can be incrementally constructed and delivered. The development team first develops the core modules of the system. This initial product skeleton is refined into increasing levels of capability by adding new functionalities in successive versions. Each evolutionary version may be developed using an iterative waterfall model of development. Each successive version of the product is fully functioning software capable of performing more useful work than the previous versions.In this model, the user gets a chance to experiment with partially developed software much before the complete version o f the system is released. Therefore, the evolutionary model helps to accurately elicit user requirements during the delivery of the different versions of the software, and the change requests therefore after delivery of the complete software are minimized. Also the core modules get tested thoroughly, thereby reducing chances of errors in the core modules of the final product. Further, this model obviates the need to commit large resources in one go for development of the system.The main disadvantage of the successive versions model is that for most practical problems it is difficult to divide the problem into several functional units, which can be incrementally implemented and delivered. Therefore, the evolutionary model is normally useful for only very large products, where it is easier to find modules for incremental implementation. Often the evolutionary model is especially when the customer prefers to receive the product in increments to be able to start using the different feat ures as and when they are developed rather than waiting for the full product to be developed and delivered.Evolutionary model is very popular for the object-oriented software development projects, because the system can easily be partitioned into stand-alone units in terms of the objects. ARCHITECTURAL PATTERN Model-View-Controller The Model Layer The model layer in a Java based web application can be implemented using any Java-based technology, such as EJB, Hibernate, or JDO. In our CoreBanking System. The model is represented as simple JavaBeans containing the data and business logic in a simple data access object. As far as possible, the model objects should be developed so that they have no knowledge of the environment.This allows us to more easily reuse them across environments and applications. The View Layer The view layer of most Java based web applications is made up of JavaServer pages. To facilitate the development of the view, Java provides a set of JSP tag libraries. Th ese tag libraries allow us to easily provide fully internationalised user interfaces that interact with the model components of a web application. The vast majority of dynamic Web front ends are based on HTML forms, and users of such applications have come to expect from these applications certain behaviours, such as form validation.With standard JSP, this is a tedious process that involves recording the contents of the form and populating every form element with information from a JavaBean in case of error. Java facilitates this sort of form processing and validation using Custom tags. These, in combination with the JSP tag libraries, make View development with forms really simple and natural. The Controller Layer Java includes a Servlet that implements the primary functions of the Controller, which is to map the incoming URL to a model object. The Servlet provides the following functions: 1.Decide what action is required to service a users request 2. Provide view data to the view 3. Decide which view to show next A Java developer must provide these actions (models) to implement the logic of their application. What is Model-View-Controller? . Let’s start by looking at how the Model, the View, and the Controller interact with one another: [pic] Figure 1: Model 2/MVC architecture As you can see from the above diagram, the user interacts with the Controller components (usually represented by Servlets) by submitting requests to them.In turn, the Controller components instantiate Model components (usually represented by JavaBeans or other similar technology), and manipulate them according to the logic of the application. Once the Model is constructed, the Controller decides which View (usually represented by JavaServer Pages) to show to the user next, and this View interacts with the Model to show the relevant data to the user. Using Java Server Pages or Servlets alone is known as Model 1. Model 2 was not particularly innovative or new; it uses Servlets to resemble Controller and Java ServerPages for resembling views.Many people realised that it follows the well-known MVC pattern that was developed back in the days of Smalltalk. As such, Java programmers tend to use the terms Model 2 and MVC interchangeably. DESIGN PATTERN Data Access Object Context Access to data varies depending on the source of the data. Access to persistent storage, such as to a database, varies greatly depending on the type of storage (relational databases, object-oriented databases, flat files, and so forth) and the vendor implementation Problem Applications can use the JDBC API to access data residing in a relational database management system (RDBMS).The JDBC API enables standard access and manipulation of data in persistent storage, such as a relational database. The JDBC API enables J2EE applications to use SQL statements, which are the standard means for accessing RDBMS tables. However, even within an RDBMS environment, the actual syntax and format of the S QL statements may vary depending on the particular database product. There is even greater variation with different types of persistent storage. Access mechanisms, supported APIs, and features vary between different types of persistent stores such as RDBMS, object-oriented databases, flat files, and so forth.Such disparate data sources offer challenges to the application and can potentially create a direct dependency between application code and data access code. When business components-entity beans, session beans, and even presentation components like servlets and helper objects for Java Server Pages (JSP) pages –need to access a data source, they can use the appropriate API to achieve connectivity and manipulate the data source. But including the connectivity and data access code within these components introduces a tight coupling between the components and the data source implementation.Such code dependencies in components make it difficult and tedious to migrate the appl ication from one type of data source to another. When the data source changes, the components need to be changed to handle the new type of data source. Forces Portability of the components is directly affected when specific access mechanisms and APIs are included in the components. Components need to be transparent to the actual persistent store or data source implementation to provide easy migration to different vendor products, different storage types, and different data source types. SolutionUse a Data Access Object (DAO) to abstract and encapsulate all access to the data source. The DAO manages the connection with the data source to obtain and store data. The DAO implements the access mechanism required to work with the data source. The data source could be a persistent store like an RDBMS, an external service like a B2B exchange, a repository like an LDAP database, or a business service accessed via CORBA Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) or low-level sockets. The business com ponent that relies on the DAO uses the simpler interface exposed by the DAO for its clients.The DAO completely hides the data source implementation details from its clients. Because the interface exposed by the DAO to clients does not change when the underlying data source implementation changes, this pattern allows the DAO to adapt to different storage schemes without affecting its clients or business components. Essentially, the DAO acts as an adapter between the component and the data source. Participants and Responsibilities Business Object The Business Object represents the data client. It is the object that requires access to the data source to obtain and store data.A Business Object may be implemented as a session bean, entity bean, or some other Java object, in addition to a servlet or helper bean that accesses the data source. Data Access Object The DataAccessObject is the primary object of this pattern. The DataAccessObject abstracts the underlying data access implementati on for the Business Object to enable transparent access to the data source. The Business Object also delegates data load and store operations to the DataAccessObject. Transfer Object This represents a Transfer Object used as a data carrier. The DataAccessObject may use a Transfer Object to return data to the client.The DataAccessObject may also receive the data from the client in a Transfer Object to update the data in the data source. Consequences: †¢ Enables Transparency Business objects can use the data source without knowing the specific details of the data source's implementation. Access is transparent because the implementation details are hidden inside the DAO. †¢ Enables Easier Migration A layer of DAOs makes it easier for an application to migrate to a different database implementation. The business objects have no knowledge of the underlying data implementation. Thus, the migration involves changes only to the DAO layer.Further, if employing a factory strategy, i t is possible to provide a concrete factory implementation for each underlying storage implementation. In this case, migrating to a different storage implementation means providing a new factory implementation to the application. †¢ Reduces Code Complexity in Business Objects Because the DAOs manage all the data access complexities, it simplifies the code in the business objects and other data clients that use the DAOs. All implementation-related code (such as SQL statements) is contained in the DAO and not in the business object.This improves code readability and development productivity. Centralizes All Data Access into a Separate Layer Because all data access operations are now delegated to the DAOs, the separate data access layer can be viewed as the layer that can isolate the rest of the application from the data access implementation. This centralization makes the application easier to maintain and manage. Scope of the Development Project Database Tier: The concentration is applied by adopting the Oracle 8. 1 Enterprise versions. SQL is taken as the standard query language.The overall business rules are designed by using the power of PL/SQL components like stored procedures stored functions and database triggers. User Tier: The use interface is developed is a browser specific environment to have centralized architecture. The components are designed using Dreamweaver and Java server pages power the dynamic of the page design. Data Base Connectivity Tier The communication architecture is designed by concentrated on the standards of servlets and Java Beans. The database connectivity is established using the Java Database connectivity. PurposeThe generated application is the first version upon the system. The overall system is planned to be in the formal of distributed architecture with homogeneous database platform. The major objective of the overall system is to keep the following components intact. ( System consistency ( System integrity ( Overall se curity of data ( Data reliability and Accuracy ( User friendly name both at administration and user levels ( Considering the fact of generality and clarity ( To cross check that the system overcomes the hurdles of the version specific standards OUTLINE OF ANALYZED PROCESSES ACTOR: ADMIN Process:1 Registration of new Administrator Input: Enter all the admin details like first name, last name, date of birth etc. Process: registration (form) Output: registration success/ registration fail ? Process:2 View Pending Agents Input: All the Pending Agents Process: view Pending Agents (form) Output: Accept/Reject Process:3 View Permanent Agents Input: All the Permanent Agents Process: view all the permanent Agent Details Output: success/fail ? Process :4 Add a new Bus Input: Enter Number, Type, Source, and Destination†¦ Process: Add the details in the database Output: success/fail Process :5 Add a new Bus Type Input: BusType, Id†¦ Process: Insertion of new Type (Id. ) Output: succes s/fail ? Process :6 Add Offer Input: OfferName, Applicable for, time. Process: adding Offer (form) Output: success/fail ? Process :7 Add New Trip Details Input: Enter all the trip details like Tripid, Locationid, etc. Process: New Trip (form) Output: success / fail ? Process:8 Change Halts Input: Enter existing source, destination details of the Location Process: change Halts (form) Output: success/fail ? Process:9 Send Messages To Notice Board Input: Enter Description of the Topic, Applicable to†¦Process: sendMessages(adform) Output: success ? Process:10 Send Mails Input: Agents Id, Customer Id Process: send mails (form) Output: success ? Process:11 Create new group Input: Enter grid and name of the group Process: insertGroupDetails (GroupDetailsForm gdf) Output: success ? Process:12 View all the Buses Input: View All Process: get all the details from Database Table Output: success/fail ? Process:13 View Offers Input: View Offers, Time they will be elapsed. Process: view Offer s (table) Output: success ? Process:14 view Permanent Agents Input: view all the existing Permanent AgentsProcess: all the permanent Agents (table) Output: success ? Process:15 view messages Input: view All the messages that r sent by Agents, Customers Process: view Messages (table) Output: success ? Process:16 view Buses Input: view all the existing Buses Process: view Buses(table) Output: success ? Process:17 View TripDetails Input: view All the TripDetails Process: Get all the trip details like(Trip Id,Timings.. ) Output: success ? Process:18 view BusTypes Input: view all the existing BusTypes Process: View BusTypes(table) Output: success ACTOR: AGENT ? Process:1 RegistrationInput: Enter all the Agentdetails like first name, last name, date of birth etc. Process: registration (form) Output: registration success/ registration fail ? Process:2 View Pending Agents Input: All the Pending Agents Process: view Pending Agents (form) Output: Accept/Reject ? Process:3 View Permanent Agent s Input: All the Permanent Agents Process: view all the permanent AgentDetails Output: success/fail ? Process :4 Add a new Bus Input: Enter Number, Type, Source, and Destination. Process: Add the details in the database Output: success/fail ? Process :5 Add a new BusType Input: BusType, Id,Process: Insertion of new Type (Id. ) Output: success/fail ? Process :6 AddOffer Input: OfferName, Applicable for,time.. Process: adding Offer (form) Output: success/fail ? Process :7 Add New TripDetails Input: Enter all the tripdetails like Tripid, Locationid, etc. Process: NewTrip(form) Output: success / fail ? Process:8 Change Halts Input: Enter existing source, destination details of the Location Process: change Halts (form) Output: success/fail ? Process:9 Send Messages To NoticeBoard Input: Enter Description of the Topic,Applicable to†¦ Process: sendMessages(adform) Output: success Process:10 SendMails Input: AgentsId, CustomerId Process: send mails(form) Output: success ? Process:11 Cr eat new group Input: Enter gid and name of the group Process: insertGroupDetails (GroupDetailsForm gdf) Output: success ? Process:12 View all the Buses Input: View All Process: get all the details from Database Table Output: success/fail ACTOR: CUSTOMER ? Process:1 Registration of new Administrator Input: Enter all the admindetails like first name, last name, date of birth etc. Process: registration (form) Output: registration success/ registration fail ? Process:2 View Pending AgentsInput: All the Pending Agents Process: view Pending Agents(form) Output: Accept/Reject ? Process:3 View Permanent Agents Input: All the Permanent Agents Process: view all the permanent Agent Details Output: success/fail ? Process :4 Add a new Bus Input: Enter Number, Type, Source, and Destination. Process: Add the details in the database Output: success/fail ? Process :5 Add a new Bus Type Input: BusType, Id, Process: Insertion of new Type (Id. ) Output: success/fail ? Process :6 AddOffer Input: OfferNa me, Applicable for, time. Process: adding Offer (form) Output: success/fail Process :7 Add New TripDetails Input: Enter all the trip details like Tripid, Locationid, etc. Process: New Trip (form) Output: success / fail Project Synopsis Technical Descriptions ? Database: The total number of databases that were identified to build the system is 14. The major parts of the databases are categorized as administration components and customer of based components. The administration components are useful is managing the actual master data that may be necessary to maintain the consistency of the system. These databases purely used for the internal organizational needs and necessities.The Administrator, Agent and Customer components are designed to handle to transactional states that arise upon the system whereas customer makes a visit onto the portal for making his transactions faster. The Customer components are scheduled accept parametrical information from the users as per the system nece ssity. ? GUI: In the flexibility of the users the interface has been developed a graphics concept in mind, associated through a browsers interface. The GUI’S at the top level have been categorized as ? Administration users interface ? Agents interface ? Customer users interfaceThe Administration users interface concentrate on the consistent in that is practically part of organizational actuaries and which needs proper authentication for data collation. The Administrator and Agent user interface helps the respective actors in transacting with the actual information as per their necessities with specific to the required services. The GUI’s restrict the ordinary users from mismanipulating the systems data, which can make the existing system non-operational. The information with specific to their personal standards and strategies can be changed through proper privileges. Modules: ) Administrator Module: This module maintains the services related to system administrator who is authenticated upon the system. This module fairly maintains the integration between the modules related to backend database and the functionalities carried out in the whole organization. This module also binds itself with the agent and customer details. 2) Agent Module: This module maintains the information related to the customers who have been signed upon to the system as well as the internal information of the organization. The module integrates itself with the other modules like the Administrator module and customer module that are provided y the organization. This module acts as a major integrator with Admin transactions and the requests for approvals that are raised by the customer. 3) Customer Module: This module manages and keeps track of the details of the existing services. It has interaction to Agent as well as administrator to keep track of the consistency of information form time to time as they are executed. 1. Actor: Admin The Admin module consists of the followin g services: ? Register another administrator. ? View pending agents and Accept or Reject them ? View permanent agents ? Add a new Bus. ? Add New Bus Type ? Add Offer Add New Trip Details ? Change Halts ? Send Messages to notice Board ? Send Mails ? View All the Busses ? View All Administrators ? View Offers ? View Permanent Agents ? View Messages ? View Busses ? View Trip details ? View Bus Types Register another administrator: In this process, Admin submits the details of another administrator with whom he want to share his responsibilities. The person whom admin appoints as an administrator will have the privilege to do all the responsibilities that are performed by actual Admin only if he is properly authenticated after login. †¢ View pending agents and Accept or Reject them::In this process, he can view the pending agents, he may accept the agents or reject. The agents who r accepted will be treated as Permanent agents. Those who are rejected, their details will not be upda ted in the database. †¢ ViewPermanentAgents: In this process he can view all the permanent agents along with their complete details. And the details of new Agents which he made from pending to permanent agents. †¢ Add New Bus : In this process, if the existing services are not able to meet the requirements of customers, he may add new types to meet the requirements of customer. Add New Bus Type: In this process, if the existing services are not able to meet the requirements of customers, he may add new types to meet the requirements of customer. †¢ Add Offer: In this process, a strategy of new offers will be declared by admin to attract customers, and increase his business and thereby withstanding in the competition. †¢ Add New Trip Details: In this process, new trip details will be declared by admin as per the agent & customer requirements. By modifying the trip details according to customer and agent requirements they may feel convenient. †¢ Change Halts:I n this process, admin can change the halts of his buses according to the Requirement of customers and also the agents keeping in view of appropriate halts and timings. †¢ Send Messages to notice Board: In this process, admin can display the messages about the bus services, timings, charges, offers, trips, also the details of performance appraisal of his employees to motivate them. †¢ Send Mails: In this process, admin can send the messages about the queries that were posted by both agent and customer. A proper feedback must be there for every organization to withstand the competition and to be interactive with customers. View All Administrators: In this process Admin can view all the administrators that are appointed by him for responsibility division. and he can all the details of them completely in this module. †¢ View Offers: In this process Admin can view the offers he provided . Because he should delete the offers as and when the time of the particular offer has been elapsed. †¢ View Permanent Agents: In this process Admin can view the permanent agents that r under his guidance. By viewing this module he can have the complete idea that who are the new agents added as permanent and also their details. View Messages: In this process Admin can view all the messages that are sent by agents for enhancements and has the privilege to implement the enhancements if the requirements are really needed. Can view all the messages that are sent by agents for enhancements and has the privilege to implement the enhancements if the requirements are really needed. †¢ View Buses: In this process, admin can view the details of the services and their appropriate timings and their halts and also the type of services and all other desired details. †¢ ViewTripDetails:In this process, admin can view the details of the services and their appropriate timings and their halts and also the type of services and all other desired details. †¢ ViewBusTyp es: Instead of sending messages to each and every account with this service Admin can display the message into the notice board and is accessed by every person. †¢ Logout: Whenever the Admin wants to quit the application he needs to use this service so that the session will be invalidated so that no one can access his account thus restricting others in accessing the Admin’s account. 2. Actor: Agent Registration for new License ? Registration ? Add Offer ? View Offers ? Send Messages ? View Messages ? Book Ticket ? Block Ticket ? Add Customer ? View Customers ? Logout †¢ Request for new license: In this process, new bus station that is agent want to establish should take a license from the Central agency i. e. Head Office . In the license certificate establishment details. Location, date details will be there. Registration In this process, agent can change his password by submitting the specified fields like agent id, old password, new password, retype new password.I f he enters the correct values then his password and he will get new password. †¢ Add Offer In this process, offers will be announced by agent office to implement business strategies such that it will improve the throughput and withstand in the competitive environment. †¢ View Offers: In this process, the existing offers include and also to delete the offers if the specified offer time has been elapsed. †¢ Send Messages: In this process, the total offers include new & old will be maintaining at the agent office. If the correspondent agent office has some permanent customer it can send messages to them. View Messages: In this process, every agent maintain list of messages to which they have sent, the messages how the people (customers r interactive with both agents and Administrators. †¢ Book Ticket: In this process, agent can book the tickets as the requirement of the customer approached by verifying the availability of trips, timings, availability seats†¦. †¢ Block Ticket In this process, agent office maintains details of customers if any one wants to cancel the tickets immediately they can block the tickets by assigning to others who r ready that trip. .Add Customer:In this process, if any customer wants to register with the agent he has the privilege to add the customer and make the services available to this new Customer. †¢ View Customers: In this process, every agent office maintains data about the customers, and their complete details regarding the journey along with his journey details. And also the services he was using. †¢ Logout: Whenever the Agent wants to quit the application he needs to use this service so that the session will be invalidated so that no one can access his account thus restricting others in accessing the Agent’s account. 3. Actor: Customer ? Register ? View Offers View Messages ? Send Messages to Agent ? Send Messages to Administrator ? View Bus Services ? View Bus Trip details like t imings †¦ ? Send Request to agent for booking a ticket ? Logout †¢ Register : In this process the Customer who wants the intended services provided by the agency. He should submit the details required, and if they r valid then only he will be given with one unique ID, Password which he should submit while login phase. If he forgets the password or Id he will be provided with an option to regain its Uid And password, but he should submit some details correctly with the data which he was submitted during registration phase. View Offers: In this process, customer see offers according to that he can register to view the offers. If he is eligible for that offer i. e. time is not elapsed he may bargain that offer. †¢ View Messages: In this process, customer sees all messages that are given by Customers, Agents, and Administrators and may get the required information. †¢ Send Message to Agent: In this process, Customer Registration modifications (i. e. ticket cancellati on, buy new tickets, dates postponement) occur. If the customer has any problem-sending message to agent can solve him. †¢ Send Message to Administrators:If the agents could not solve problems of the customers, meesage are sent to the administrators to solve those problems. Such they may get the accurate information from the adminstrator or send their valuable suggestions to implement by the Organization. †¢ View Bus Services: This process helps to get overall information about bus services i. e. Bus timings, routes such that he may get the services for his desired timings And may travel accordingly. †¢ View Bus Trip details like timings †¦ This process helps to give overall information about bus services And No. f Trips, Bus timings, routes, availability at his desired timings †¢ Send Request to agent for a ticket booking: In this process customer can directly reserve the tickets in nearer agents or from far place. by submitting the source & destination det ails along with the fare details i. e. the way of amount to be paid. †¢ Logout: Whenever the Customer wants to quit the application he needs to use. This service so that the session will be invalidated so that no one can access his Account thus restricting others in accessing the customer’s account. IMPLEMENTATION Program Design LanguageThe program design language is also called as structured English or pseudopodia. PDL is a generic reference for a design language PDL looks like a modern language. The difference between PDL and real programming language lies in the narrative text embedded directly within PDL statements. The characteristics required by a design language are: ? A fixed system of keywords that provide for all structured constructs date declaration and modularity characteristics. ? A free syntax of natural language that describes processing features. ? Subprogram definition and calling techniques that support various nodes of interface description.PDL syntax should include constructs for subprogram definition, interface description date declaration techniques for structuring, conditions constructs, repetition constructs and I/O constructs. PDL can be extended to include keywords for multitasking and/or concurrent processing interrupt handling, interposes synchronization the application design for which PDL is to be used should dictate the final form for the design language. Testing Objectives: The main objective of testing is to uncover a host of errors, systematically and with minimum effort and time. Stating formally, we can say, ?Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error. ? A successful test is one that uncovers an as yet undiscovered error. ? The tests are inadequate to detect possibly present errors. ? The software more or less confirms to the quality and reliable standards. Unit Testing : ? The purpose of the coding and unit testing phase of software development is to translate the software d esign into source code. Each component of the design is implemented as a program module. The end-product of this phase is a set of program modules that have been individually tested.To enable the engineers to write good quality programs, every software development organization normally formulates its own coding standards that suits itself. A coding standard addresses issues such as the standard ways of laying out the program codes, the template for laying out the function and module headers, commenting guidelines, variable and function naming conventions, the maximum number of source lines permitted in each module, and so forth. ? During this phase, each module is unit tested to determine the correct working of all the individual modules.It involves testing each module in isolation as this is the most efficient way to debug the errors identified at this stage. Another reason behind testing a module in isolation is that the other modules, with which this module has to be interfaced, may not be ready. Integration and System Testing Integration of different modules is undertaken once they have been coded and uni tested. During the integration and syste3m testing phase, the modules are integrated in a planned manner. The different modules making up a software product are almost never integrated in one shot.Integration is normally carried out incrementally over a number of steps. During each integration step, the partially integrated system is tested and a set of previously planned modules are added to it. Finally, when all the modules have been successfully integrated and tested, system testing is carried out. The goal of system testing is to ensure that the developed system conforms to its requirements laid out in the SRS document. Our project is integrated and tested by using an activity by name (- testing. (- testing is the system testing performed by the development team. MAINTENANCEMaintenance is any work done to change the system after it is in operational. The term maintenance is used to describe activities that occur following the delivery of the product to the customer. The maintenance phase of the software life cycle is the time period in which a software product performs useful work. Maintenance activities involve making enhancements to products, adapting products to new environments, correcting problems. In this be retrieve the data from the database design by searching the database. So, for maintaining data our project has a backup facility so that here is an additional copy of data, which needs to be maintained. More over our project would update the annual data on to a CD, which could be used for later reference. CONCLUSION ? WORK DONE: The â€Å"e-Ticketing† was successfully designed and is tested for accuracy and quality. During this project we have accomplished all the objectives and this project meets the needs of the organization . The developed will be used in searching, retrieving and generating information for t he concerned requests. ? GOALS ? Reduced entry work. ? Easy retrieval of information ? Reduced errors due to human intervention ? User friendly screens to enter the data Portable and flexible for further enhancement ? Web enabled. ? Fast finding of information requested BIBLIOGRAPHY Reference Books: 1. The Complete Reference ——————–Patrik Naughton, Herbert Schildt 2. Java Servlet Programming ——————–Orielly 3. Html Black Book ——————–Steven Hozner 4. The Programming Language ——————–Ivan Bayross 5. Software Engineering ——————–James Websites: 1. http://www. java. sun. com 2. http://www. sunsoft. com 3. http://www. javasoft. com 4. http://www. apress. com 5. http://www. oracle. com 6. http://www. jspin. com

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Main Principles of Effective Practice In the Teaching And Essay

The Main Principles of Effective Practice In the Teaching And Assessment of Reading - Essay Example This essay stresses that fluency is an important aspect of teaching how to read, albeit it's rather difficult task to accomplish this. However, fluency in reading is the key that enables the reader to understand completely, quickly, and expressively what he has read along with good comprehension. Effective instruction in fluency leads to overall improvements in reading, which is reached through accuracy in word recognition, assisted reading, and synergistic instructional routines. Parents must be aware of incorporating teaching into their children’s daily lives, which would then be enhanced in the classroom. This paper makes a conclusion that reading is an activity that every child must improve skills on, and educators must focus on different strategies in order for the child to enhance his reading skills. This paper claims that the main principles of effective practice in the teaching and assessment of reading are involves attention to minor aspects of reading such as letters and individual words, understanding the whole meanings of the text, and application of relevant models/theories in the reading process. Guided reading is an effective reading strategy that enables teachers and parents to achieve this goal for the child, which is likewise supported by different models and theories. The Balanced Reading Approach is the specific approach that may be employed in guided reading through effective combination of instructional approaches and accommodating different learning styles.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Dark Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dark Energy - Essay Example Ideally, it is the volume of space that consists intrinsic basic energy. It is equivalent to vacuum energy in reality since it is the energy density of unfilled vacuum. The general relativity theory denotes that the energy will have an effect on gravity (Wang 76). Cosmological constant is characterized by negative pressure that is equivalent to its energy density. As such, it causes acceleration on the expansion of the universe. Quintessence refers to the hypothetical form of energy that can be attractive or repulsive. It is a scalar field that has its equation defined by the ratio of pressure to its density. Attraction or repulsion of this energy is dependent on the kinetic to potential energy ratio (Morrey Bsc & Morrey 112). Quintessence serves to solve part of the problems accruing from cosmological constant. Unlike cosmological constant, quintessence is a dynamic equation that varies with time. In addition, it differs from cosmological constant from the fact that it forecasts a slower increase in rate of expansion of the universe. The third alternative idea stems from the string theory. String theory stipulates that an atom’s elementary particles are dimensional swinging lines (Amendola and Tsujikawa 64). It is a quantum theory of gravity. The theory comprises configurations that define all observed basic forces and matter, but have zero cosmological constant. The methods employed in determine the above ideas are geometry of space, exploding stars and the late- time integrated Sachs- Wolfe effect (Amendola andTsujikawa 340). Exploding stars is ideally the supernovae. Type la supernovae offer a standard candle for the measurement of the distance to galaxies that are much far away. It combines the information with redshift; a measure for the speed at which galaxy recedes. Conclusively, astronomers have inference that there is a factor that is contributing to the increased velocity of the recession of galaxies. The geometry

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Monetary Unification in Europe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Monetary Unification in Europe - Essay Example Critics were so skeptical on the Europe’s idea of monetary unification claiming that Europe was not close to optimal monetary union. This idea was just a mere political project, which did not give into account economic fundamentals and was doomed to fail the single currency, and Europe’s failure to see monetary unification as an evolutionary process. Over the past few years, the Euro has tremendously challenged the US dollar, which is globally reserved currency, and within a very short period, it has transformed economic and political landscape in Europe. Monetary experiments has never been such an exciting history as there have been no any sovereign state surrendered its currency to a common central bank currency restraining from monetary sovereignty (Charles, 2010:176). Although the need to unify European currency started a long time ago, we begin to review its recent attempts to attain that goal. Prelaunch, which took place in late 1989, witnessed France extract German commitment to monetary union in favor of German reunification. The same year, Jacques Delor, filed a report introducing European Monetary unification in three stages. It comprised of creation of institutions like European System of Central Banks charged with the responsibility to formulate and implement monetary policies. The phases between 1989 and 2002 gave a name to the common currency that was to unify the European states â€Å"euro†, which replaced the old currency unit, the ecu. The institution laid down steps to accomplish monetary unification first of which was abolishing exchange controls that saw capital completely liberalized in European Economic Community on July 1, 1990. On 7 February 1992, leaders from different European countries signed the Maastricht Treaty with the aim of creating a single common currency but without United Kingdom participating by January 1999. Having the treaty approved proved a challenge since countries such as Germany, France, and Denmark were reluctant (Evgeny, 159). Another attempt derived from Stage II of Delor’s report that led to the creation of European Monetary Institute in 1994 that replaced European Monetary Cooperation Fund with Alexander Lamfalussy as the first president. After sometime, there rose a pool of disagreements that led to adoption of euro as new currency on December 1995 doing away with the name ecu previously used as the accounting currency. Theo Wagel suggested the name. He was by then the German’s finance minister. Date 1 January 1999 was set for the launch of the currency name. With the launch of euro in the European Union, credit institutions were able to process real-time payments. This supposedly helped in serving monetary policy needs of Euro system as well as harmonizing business practices in the EU and promoting money market integration(Gertrude and Peter, 2003:13). Owing to the total number of states, the Euro bloc designed and produced new 7.4 billion notes and 38.2 billion coins for issuance to consumers and business operators on 1 January 2002. This attempt displayed some obsolete results with tasks set to educate European people on the new currency and finally on 15 December 2001 banks commenced exchanging euro starter kits. As a matter of encouraging continuous effectiveness and integration of European currency, banks all over Euro zone, offered same high quality services, interfaces, and single price structure irrespective of their location. Such policies facilitated unification of currency across Europe as banks and other financial institutions operate under similar conditions. In the wake of

Contemporary Activist FillmmakersUse New Media Technology to Essay

Contemporary Activist FillmmakersUse New Media Technology to Democratise Film Production, Distribution and Exhibition - Essay Example Revolutionary film-making is based on cinema known as documentary, with its vast scope including educational films, or the reconstruction of a fact or historical event. The images document, bear witness to, refute or support the truth of a situation, thereby raising them to a level higher than that of a film (Solanas & Getino 1997: 46). On the other hand, Nichols (1985: 509) argues that â€Å"cinema cannot show the truth or reveal it, because the truth is not out there in the real world waiting to be photographed†. Cinema can only produce meanings, which need to be plotted, particularly in relation to other meanings. Hence, the filmmaker has to discover his own language on the theme, arising from a militant and transforming world view. â€Å"Pamphlet films, didactic films, report films, witness-bearing films – any militant form of expression is valid† (Solanas & Getino 1997: 47), and a set of aesthetic work norms cannot be laid down. Practice, search and experime ntation underscore the activist filmmaker’s commitment to revolutionary cinema. This may include being a pioneer in struggling to highlight the theme, taking chances on the unknown and being prepared to meet with failure amid constant dangers. However, the â€Å"possibility of discovering and inventing film forms and structures that serve a more profound vision of our reality resides in the ability to place oneself on the outside limits of the familiar† (Solanas & Getino 1997: 48). Activist films and a public that is eager to view them necessitate new ways of distribution. In Latin America such as in Argentina, the films are exhibited in apartments and houses to audiences of around 25 people. Similarly, in countries such as Chile films are shown in parishes, universities or cultural... This paper has highlighted how contemporary activist filmmakers seek to democratise film production, distribution and exhibition using new media technology. The emergence of third cinema, and the new trends in film production, distribution and exhibition using new media technology have been examined. Further, contemporary activist filmmaking democratisating the value chain has been found to reduce the costs involved in cinema and to increase the access to films by larger numbers of people. Contemporary documentary filmmakers portraying social and political activism use alternative modes of distribution and exhibition by creating online web series, which continue to exist without the deterioration that occurs in film reels. This report makes a conclusion that the evidence indicates that digital technology is more advantageous for producers, distributors, and exhibitors significantly reducing the costs of prints and distribution. It facilitates the exhibitors enhancement of the customer experience and consequent higher ticket prices. If the film is distributed online and consequently viewed digitally, the costs are almost negligible. Similarly there are cost savings in the print’s theatre preparation, alternative and flexible programming possibilites such as live events and interactive films and new advertising possibilities. Eliashberg (2006: 657) supports this view, and adds that its downsides include the expensive investment in digital projectors with expected short lifespan, requirement for facilitating technology such as data storage and satellite dishes, as well as operational and service support.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Preach a narrative sermon based on a short passage of Scripture Essay

Preach a narrative sermon based on a short passage of Scripture applying the learning from the Narrative Preaching Topic to its preparation - Essay Example The word of God in the book of 1Timothy 4:12 reads, â€Å"Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.† As a woman, you may be vulnerable to mistreatments due to world culture of consider females as inferior gender. People may abuse and insult you so that you feel to have a lower and powerless to defend yourself. The Bible encourages you not to allow people despise you because of your youth. The fact that you trust and believe in God establishes the foundation of strength and encouragement. Our God and Jesus His Son promised never to forsake the believers. Our Father is always willing and able to come to your rescue. Even God recognizes that that youthfulness is a moment of strength that people should most of what they desire (Spencer, 2014). Despite of the challenges and problems of youthfulness, God views youthfulness with great reverence. As a believer, you should not struggle to gain the trust of the world. Instead, let yourself be trustworthy to God and your life shall not have any blemish. Do not hate your aggressors or those who betray your trust. God will hear you and will not care about your sex. Ask God to give love, understanding and courage to face your worldly enemies. Just as the Bible verse advises, speak to the believers in love, faith, purity and conduct. You cannot exhibit love, faith, purity, and good conduct if you lack God’s mercies (Spencer, 2014). He gives the qualities to those who believe in Him and walk in His ways. Remember that God’s ways are righteous and pure so that any person who wants to walk in the way must desire righteousness and purity. Do not lose heart for The Lord has you in His heart and will be your anchor, protector and comforter when the whole world attempt to forsake you. In fact, it is better for the world to forsake you because it is then that God will accept you. The ways and the love of the world are

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Ladies & Gentlemen. Survey & Report. Some may believe that being Essay - 5

Ladies & Gentlemen. Survey & Report. Some may believe that being gentleman or a lady in - Essay Example Notably all the well rounded persons know the limits set by their predecessors and they will not cross over them. This is in order to maintain the nobility and humility they were born with and under (Castiglione & Opdycke, 2009). Every well rounded person will work hard and reach the targets and goal set for them by their ancestors or superiors. He or she considers it as an abomination not to succeed as per the wishes of those who preceded him. In pursuit of attaining their target they professionally utilize bravely all the available and worthy arms and techniques that were guaranteed to them at their birth time (Cunningham & Reich, 2009). More over a well rounded person strives to be like or better than those who trained them. This is in earnest not disappointed the proper care and perfect training of their trainers. It is noted that the courtier must walk his or her talk with grace in all his or her habits, gestures and in every move they make. Notably, a universal person must have a better judgment of good and evil which must rightful guide him or her in decision making. In addition he or she is honest and does not conceal any truth which if realized might bring dishonor and discredit their self worthiness (Brummett, Edgar, & Hackett, 2003). Remarkably, any a well rounded lady will exercise the right measure of confidence and diligence. She will not overstate or understate her work excellence .Over and above this she is patient, persevering and of greater dignity. Moreover a well rounded person is sacrificing and skillful. He or she will swallow his or her desires and treasures and extend love to others. Lastly and not least a universal person is honorable and extremely respects others with the same measure they extend to him or her (Castiglione, 2003). Surprisingly from the results obtained, a large number of people aged less than forty years suggested

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Orangutan's diet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Orangutan's diet - Essay Example Orangutans are known to be solitary but occasionally aggregation form particularly in enormous large fruiting fig trees. The individual Orangutans tend to compete as the scramble for food. Therefore, the paper will partly study the kind and strength of food competition in huge fig trees amongst the Orangutans and also probe the impacts of fruits seasonality on the changes in diets and energy balance amongst these wild Sumatran Orangutans to help understand the diet of Orangutans. Studies have shown that over 50 percent of Orangutans diet is composed of fruits hence earmarked as frugivorous. Also, their diet is composed of young leaves approximated to be about 25%, as well as barks and flowers rated at 10%. Moreover, Orangutans diets have also been uncovered to contain about 5% of insect primarily ants, pupae, crickets, and termites. The studies have also pointed out the wild Orangutans are selective and opportunistic. Therefore, during the emergence of tasty and nutritious insects, O rangutans feed all day on them (Nellemann, United Nations Environment Programme & GRID—Arendal, 2007, 34). In case of unavailability of fruits and insects, previous studies have observed that Orangutans feed on trees barks and leaves that are less in nutrition to avoid starvation. Moreover, wild Orangutans have been noted to learn to feed on hundreds of various food types as youngsters through observing their mothers while being permitted to take foods from the mouth and hands of their respective mothers. This study seeks to investigate  and understand the Orangutans’ diet. The study will help the researcher to understand precisely what constitutes these primates diet. Moreover, the study will add knowledge to the already knowledge about these primates. Further, the study will help the researcher develop insights into changes in Orangutan caloric intake, energy balance, and ketones in

Saturday, September 21, 2019

ICT in Manufacture Essay Example for Free

ICT in Manufacture Essay Information technology has had a massive effect on manufacture over the past decades making job losses bigger and creating new jobs for machines giving manufacturing company managers easier jobs than before. In the early fifties manufacturing companies made items such as cars and stereo systems would have been made by hand by a large group of people. These people would have a different workstation with several people working on one aspect of the item. All these would have had to have the same qualifications to do this part. For now lets take something easy like the making of dolls like action man and Barbie. A conveyor belt would go across with one item to begin with and along the conveyor belt sat workers. These workers would each have a part that they would add to the doll as it went past them. And at the end the doll would have been made fitted with all limbs and clothes. One problem with this system was that when everyone had a tea break and lunch break at the same time stopping the line of manufacture and making hard for the workers to stick to a tight schedule. Now this problem has been solved because machines do all the work. There are no conveyor belts or rows of workers needed. The machines do all of the work. The few people you may find are those with clipboards walking around the machines monitoring how they are working. So with this new system when people have to take breaks there is no need for these machines to stop they just keep on working till the end of the day. One small problem with this system is that if one of the major components of a machine breaks down then you would have to shut down all the other machines so that the one that is broken can be fixed. This would result in a couple of hours lost for making the product. When these sort of manufacturing companies invested in computer technology to make their dolls not many jobs were lost. But when car companies started employing machines to make their cars instead of people less jobs were needed in that industry. Both the making and the designing of cars have changed via the use ICT. In the designing department drawings were made by hand and tests for aerodynamics and crashes were done in a special arena. But now ICT has changed all that. Drawings are made my computer with a special programme that reads the dimensions and put makes it out to be the shape of the car. With these dimensions they can then run simulations for aerodynamics and crashes and see if it scientifically possible to build the car. Down in the production unit of the car manufacturers people use to stand in big groups making parts for cars and adjusting them, parts such as body kits, engines and the main body. These people didnt have to really be qualified they just had to be trained in how to do the job at a certain workstation. So when machines were introduced in how to do these jobs many people were left unemployed and with no qualifications. This made it harder for them to get more jobs. Companies can also take as much of the blame as ICT. If the car manufacturers were willing to pay out a bit more money on training, their existing workers how to use and control these machines then they wouldnt have to cut down on workers. They also would leave several hundred workers readily employable with qualifications if they needed to be re-employed. The majority of car companies failed to do this, keeping the younger employees and firing the employees that had been there quite long and leaving in a position where some of them couldnt provide food for their families. Therefore ICT in manufacture has had a positive and negative effect on places all around the world.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Facilitating Obstetric Services for Pregnant Women

Facilitating Obstetric Services for Pregnant Women Socio-cultural INFULENCES AND Access TO Basic Obstetric Care (BOC) Abstract Although pregnancy and childbirth are not of medical origin, respectively, they signify normal physiological events. Women who are pregnant often anticipate satisfactory childbirth outcomes, with no complications during the birthing process. Maternal and Child health is achieved through comprehensive obstetric interventions. While basic obstetric care is available for pregnant women, socio-cultural beliefs are effective as well to convince them not to access appropriate care during obstetric emergencies. Therefore, this essay explains why pregnant women are often unable to receive care they need and the benefits of accessing essential obstetric care in health facilities. Socio-cultural Beliefs and Childbirth Practices Whilst there are many cultures throughout the world, every culture is distinct and varies considerably from one another. Culture is viewed as a main pillar that clearly defines ethnic identity, autonomy, and the tribal dominance of a society (Bravo Noya, 2014). Its influence is fascinating by the way certain skills, knowledge, and practices are observed and learnt over a period of time to maintain and preserve its existence (Sherry Ornstein, 2014). Similarly, different societies have profound cultural beliefs and interpretations in relation to pregnancy and childbirth practices. Though birthing is an individual occasion, it is also an important societal experience that impacts women’s perceptions and certain beliefs between respective societies (Kaphle, Hancock, Newman, 2013). For instance, during pregnancy, women strictly observe their cultural norms and â€Å"taboos† by avoiding certain foods or diets. In general, a particular food that is abundant in protein is avoided due to their mutual belief(s) that may lead to congenital deformed babies, resembling features of food eaten, or their babies may grow big thereby complicating the second stage of labour (Kuzma, et al., 2013). Cultural influences are persuasive, and thus, prevent pregnant women to access essential maternal health care. Socio-cultural Beliefs and Access to Basic Obstetric Care (BOC) In spite of the fact that there are many different societies, they are often classified into two broad kinds of societies; patrilineal or matrilineal. Patrilineal society is more common and influential. Patrilineal societies qualify men to own the land, properties, make critical decisions, and decide on family size (Koian, 2010). Land is considered as an important asset for families in ethnic societies. This is why, in patrilineal societies, men would often want to have more male children in their family to inherit the land, and also to take full responsibility during their old age (Tao, 2014). In contrast, women’s responsibilities are often associated with domestic duties, such as cooking, gardening, childbearing and childrearing. On the other hand, basic medical ailments and maternal health services (for example, Family Planning) are viewed as insignificant to certain societies, and are perceived to only interfere with their cultural beliefs (Kaphle, Hancock, Newman, 2013). Moreover, any pregnancy or childbirth-related complications are considered abnormal, and the victim (pregnant woman) is condemned for disobedience; as a result, she is cursed by ancestral evil forces (Kuzma, et al., 2013). Such cultural beliefs often have subsequent impact on pregnant women accessing and utilising vital antenatal and obstetric care (Boerleider, Wiegers, Mannien, Francke, Deville, 2013). Traditional Birth Attendance (TBA) and their Experiences To strengthen maternal health care, emphasis is placed on pregnant women accessing health facilities for supervised care and deliveries from Skilled Birth Attendants (SBAs). These are qualified health professionals (such as; midwives, nurses and doctors) who are able to manage pregnancies and childbirths, and detect possible obstetric complications threatening to the mother and her unborn baby (Uzt, Siddiqui, Adegoke, Broeke, 2013). In many societies, Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) are available, usually old women who are considered skilful and knowledgeable in managing childbirths. Their competency of practice has become women’s first choice of contact when in labour. Also, their respectful approach toward mothers, irrespective of their social status, age, parity, and reasonable labour fees, have continued to influence women’s perception of positive childbirth experiences under their care (Akpabio, Edet, Etifit, Bassey, 2014). Unfortunately, TBAs still require essential evidence-based knowledge; they need adequate emergency obstetric skills and kits to manage during labour and birth emergencies. Their performing (birthing) roles were observed, and acquired only through other experienced TBAs. Yet, pregnant women still forgo formal deliveries to seek assistance from TBAs. Even some who often attend antenatal clinics still prefer TBAs during labour. Such care outside the scope of professional practice results in high rates of preventable maternal deaths (Akpabio, Edet, Etifit, Bassey, 2014). Pregnancy and childbirth experiences can be life-threatening without the presence of SBAs. Hence, it is necessary for pregnant mothers to seek formal support, and care in health care settings where health care providers, and essential life-saving equipment are available. Health Care Providers’ Attitudes and Approaches Health Care Providers have primary responsibilities in providing health care effectively to their patients (women) without favouritism, injustice, harassment, and discrimination due to their socio-cultural attributes. One of the reason that affects pregnant women in relation to seeking a health centre birth is the â€Å"maltreatment† they receive from health care providers. Such unethical treatment in general includes professional negligence, abusive language, discrimination, and interventions without granting permission (Moyer, Adongo, Aborigo, Hodgson, Engmann, 2014). They feel that the environment is not conducive for them. Thus, the fear of ill treatment from health care providers (especially, midwives and other female health workers) often discourages women from accessing health care to deliver their babies (Essendi, Mills, Fotso, 2010). The attitudes and approaches of health care providers must be facilitated in such a friendly manner so as to encourage midwife/nurse-t o-mother relationships to achieve optimal maternal outcomes. Another reason that often prevents pregnant women opting for hospital births is their fear of health workers’ keeping their placentas for disposal (without giving the placentas to them). Some women often use placentas to execute traditional ceremonials, and are concerned it will be difficult for them to take their placentas home. Such deprivation becomes a hindrance for some of them to access supervised delivery where appropriate and essential (Moyer, Adongo, Aborigo, Hodgson, Engmann, 2014). For that reason, establishing rapport and providing empathetic care and a compassionate attitude is expected. Transcultural conflicts in health are precluded when care is integrated harmoniously without cultural interference. Conclusion In conclusion, the emphasis on facilitating obstetric services for pregnant women performs an essential role in strengthening maternal and child health. Improving accessibility and reinforcement at all levels of the health care system is of paramount importance for obstetric services to function effectively. Professional conduct during the care is needed while as much as possible, accommodating socio-cultural attributes to attain best possible outcomes. Also, comprehensive community-based programs by health care providers relating to maternal health, has the potential to connect any existing socio-cultural barriers, and allow women to freely utilize obstetric care when necessary. Bibliography Akpabio, I., Edet, O., Etifit, R., Bassey, G. (2014). Womens Preference for Traditional Birth Attendants and Modern Health Care Practioners in Akpabuyo Community of Cross River State, Nigeria. Health Care for Women International, 35:1, 100-109. Boerleider, A., Wiegers, T., Mannien, J., Francke, A., Deville, W. (2013). Factors affecting the Use of Prenatal Care by Non-western Women in Industrialized Western Countries: A Systemic Review. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 13:81, 1471-2393. Bravo, I., Noya, M. (2014). Culture in Prenatal Development: Parental Attitudes, Availability of Care, Expectations, Values and Nutrition. Child Youth Care Forum. 43, 521-538. Essendi, H., Mills, S., Fotso, C. (2010). Barriers to Formal Emergency Obstetric Care Services Utilization. Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Vol.88, Suppl.2, S356-S369. Faisal, A., Tofayel, A. (2014). Influence of the Socio-cultural Factors in Health-seeking Behaviour of Women during Pregnancy in Rural Bangladesh . Journal of Exclusion Studies, Vol.4, Issue:1, 1-11. Kaphle, S., Hancock, H., Newman, L. (2013). Childbirth Traditions and Cultural Perceptions of Safety in Nepal: Critical Spaces to ensure the Survival of Mothers and Newborns in Remote Mountain Villages. Midwifery 29, 1173-1181. Koian, R. (2010). Women in Patrilineal and Matrilineal Societies in Melanesia. Madang, PNG: Bismark Ramu Group. Kosum, Z., Yurdakul, M. (2012). Factors Affecting the Use of Emergency Obstetric Care among Pregnant Women with Antenatal Bleeding. Midwifery 29, 440-446. Kuzma, J., Paofa, D., Kaugle, N., Catherina, T., Samiak, S., Kumei, E. (2013). Food Taboos and Traditional Customs Among Pregnant Women in Papua New Guinea: Missed Opportunity for Education in Antenatal Clinics. Contemporary PNG Studies: DWU Research Journal, Vol.19, 1-11. Moyer, C., Adongo, P., Aborigo, R., Hodgson, A., Engmann, C. (2014). They treat you like you are not a human being: Maltreatment during Labour and Delivery in Rural Northern Ghana. Midwifery 30, 262-268. Sherry, S., Ornstein, A. (2014). The Preservation and Transmission of Cultural Values and Ideals: Challenges Facing Immigrant Families. Psychoanalytic Inquiry: A Topical Journal for Mental Health Professionals, 34:5, 452-462. Tao, L. (2014). Why do women interact with their parents more often then men? The demonstration effect vs. biological effect. The Social Science Journal, 1-11. Uzt, B., Siddiqui, G., Adegoke, A., Broeke, N. (2013). Definitions and Roles of a Skilled Birth Attendant: A Mapping Exercise from South-Asian Countries. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica (AOGS), 1-7. Yankuzo, K. (2014). Impact of Globalization on the Traditional African Cultures. International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 4, 1-8. McKenzie Maviso1

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Essay -- Behavior Disor

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Imagine living in a world where sights, sounds, images and thoughts are constantly changing and shifting. Unable to focus on whatever task is at hand, your mind wanders from one activity or thought to the next. Sometimes you become so lost among all the thoughts and images that you don't even notice when someone is speaking to you. This is what it is like for many people who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD. Once called hyperkinesis or minimal brain dysfunction, ADHD is one of the most common mental disorders among children. It affects 3 to 5 percent of all children, and it is likely to occur two to three times more in boys than in girls. People who have ADHD may be unable to sit still, plan ahead, finish tasks, or be completely aware of what is going on in the world around them. However, on some occasions, they may appear "normal", leading others to believe that the person with ADHD can control such behaviors. As a result of this, ADHD can hinder the person's relationships and interactions with others in addition to disrupting their daily life and lowering self-esteem. To determine whether or not a person has ADHD, specialists must consider several questions: Do these behaviors occur more often than in other people of the same age? Are the behaviors an ongoing problem, not just a response to a [temporary] situation? Do the behaviors occur only in one specific place or in several different settings? In answering these questions, the person's behavior patterns are compared to a set of criteria and characteristics of ADHD. The Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) presents this set of criteria. According to the DSM, there are three patterns of behavior that indicate ADHD: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. According to the DSM, signs of inattention include: becoming easily distracted by irrelevant sights and sounds; failing to pay attention to details and making careless mistakes; rarely following instructions carefully and/or completely; and constantly losing or forgetting things like books, pencils, tools, and such. Some signs of hyperactivity... ...ith accompanying conduct disorders control their impulsive, destructive behaviors. However, these drugs don't cure ADHD, they only temporarily control the symptoms. Many health professionals recommend that these medications be used in combination with some type of therapy, training, and/or support group. Such options include: psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, social skills training, parental skills training (for parents with ADHD children), and support groups. Although most people with ADHD don't "outgrow" it, they do learn how to adapt and live better, more fulfilling lives. With the proper combination of medicine, family, and emotional support, people who have ADHD can develop ways to better control their behavior. Through further studies, scientists are better understanding the nature of biological disorders. New research is allowing us to better understand how our minds and bodies work, along with new medicines and treatments that continue to be developed. Even though there is no immediate cure for ADHD, research continues to provide information, knowledge, and hope.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Stoicism Essay -- essays research papers

In the tree of Ethics, there are many twigs and branches that all trace back to a single root: how a person ought to act. Now, the paths that some branches take to get to that single root differ in many ways, yet all arrive at their own definition of how they themselves should live. The ‘branch’ that I will be talking about today, is Stoicism. I will discuss the history and beginnings of Stoicism in the Hellenistic period, the basic ideas of stoicism, and I will share my own personal beliefs and skeptical ideas as concerned with Stoicism. To begin, what does the word ‘stoic’ mean? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines ‘stoic’ as â€Å"one apparently or professedly indifferent to pleasure or pain.† In the world of Ethics, a stoic is defined as â€Å"a member of a school of philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium about 300 B.C. holding that the wise man should be free from passion, unmoved by joy or grief, and submissive to natural law.† So what school of philosophy are we talking about? Who is Zeno of Cittium? Why did the stoics behave as they did? In the early part of the 4th century B.C. going on into the middle of the 3rd, a man named Zeno of Cittium left his home of Cyprus and went to Athens. There, he began to teach small groups of people about his ideas of ethics. He held his sessions on a painted porch on the Athenian agora known as the Stoa Poikile, from which the terms stoic and Stoicism derive from. At one point, Zeno, who had become adjusted to a life of riches, could not pay a resident tax, and as a consequence, was sold into slavery, where he was bought by a friend and freed. At first glance, one could look at stoicism and dismiss it as a relatively easy way to lead one’s life. At the heart, stoics do not care about abstract reality, about how and why the universe began, or Earth for that matter. To a stoic, the most important concept is that of acceptance in human life. Some of the ideas that Stoicism is based upon comes from the mind of one Heracletus. In the 6th century B.C., Heracletus formed his ideas at his home in Ephesus. In his mind, the universe is an ‘ever-living fire.’ In description, Heracletus came up with the Flux and the Logos. The Logos, in a universal sense, is a single connection between everything in the world, but is always changing with the Flux. Back when philosophers classified everything into 1 of the 4 elements, Heracletus’ Logos w... ...believer in Fate, I am not a true believer. Instead of classical Stoic beliefs, where the Logos governs my every choice towards the final ‘good’, I believe that free will does play a part in philosophical life. Person A comes to choice X, but based on occurrences put out by Fate, makes a decision Y. Fate and free will are 2 strands to a rope, one depending on the other to be strong. Back with emotions, with free will depending on Fate, it depends on emotion as well. Person A comes to choice X, based on occurrences put out by Fate, but still is torn between decision Y and decision Z. Using his emotions and feelings, Person A makes decision Y, because of occurrences put out by Fate as well as feelings he has towards each decision. In conclusion, I feel that Stoicism is almost a valid pattern of thought to live by, but is nonetheless quite interesting to look upon and debate. The basics and foundations of Stoicism, as well as the pillars on which it sits are something to be learned from, and could be wise to cite. My soul, the very being that I am, restricts me from devoting myself completely to Stoicism, although it is the closest thing to my ‘ethical standpoint’ that I have found.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Chlorine Essay -- essays research papers fc

Chlorine Chlorine is (at room temperature) a greenish-yellow gas that can be readily liquefied at 5170 Tarr or 6.8 atmospheres, at 20 C (68 F), and has a very disagreeable odor. It’s Element Symbol is Cl, atomic number is 17, and atomic mass is 35.453. Chlorine’s melting point is -101 C or 149.8 F. The boiling point is -34.05 C or -29.29 F, at one atmosphere pressure. Chlorine is a member of the halogen group. Chlorine was discovered by Swedish scientist Karl Wilhelm in 1784, but he first thought it was a compound, rather than an element. In 1810, Sir Humphrey Davy named it Chlorine, from the Greek word meaning "greenish-yellow". Chlorine is used in bleaching agents, disinfectants, monomers (plastics), solvents, and pesticides. It is also used for bleaching paper pulp and other organic materials, preparing bromine, (a poisonous element that at room temperature is a dark, reddish-brown), tetraethyl lead, and killing germs in water, particularly in swimming pools and hot tubs. Like every member of the halogen group, chlorine has a tendency to gain one electron and become a chloride ion. Chlorine strongly reacts with metals to form mostly water-soluble chlorides. Chlorine also strongly reacts with nonmetals such as sulfur, phosphorus, and other halogens. If you were to mix hydrogen and chlorine gases and keep them in a cool dark place, the mixture would be stable, but if it were exposed to sunlight, it wo...

Cell Phones While Driving Essay

Are cell phones dangerous while driving? Do you know hoy many deaths occur per year because of the cell phones? Everyday people die in car accidents for using cell phones while driving. According to NSC. Org â€Å"Drivers that use mobile phones are four times more likely to be involved in an accident†. Even though some people think that hand-free set is safe but it still dangerous. People should avoid talking while driving; those who defend the phone use often say that it makes no difference whether someone is talking on a phone or not. Some people who work depend on a cell phone like lawyers or businessmen. They always have to be available to answer the phone in order to keep their business running. However, their habits can create dangerous situations like a collision or an accident. Business issues can be stressful and hazardous while driving because it can cause emotional reactions that can lead to tragedies. Do to the fact that while they talk with someone of their coworkers they might get upset and this can lower their driving ability that can chief to lose control over the car. If people do not make the decision to leave aside their cell phones their routine can harm innocent people. Like mentioned before, other people say that hands-free set is safety. However, hands-free devices do not eliminate the risk of causing an accident and even worsen it by suggesting that the fact of using it is safe. Researches from the state Department of Transportation, show records that using headset can be as dangerous as holding a phone because the conversations distracts drivers from focusing on the road. Scientists had proven that people talking over the phone image person who they talking to and that does not interfere with driving. The problem is when a car swerves unexpectedly or pedestrian step into traffic, and the mind lacks the processing power to react in time. So the problem is not in holding the wheel and cell phone at the same time the cause is the lack of reaction at the particularly time People in favor of the use cell phones, say that it is a good option to do it in case of an emergency. However, I believe that it is a wrong thought. It is an illusion of safety because when people need them, the most their cell phones r they can not either reach them or find them because they could be stuck or hidden in some part of the car. People shouldn’t fully depend on cell phones owing to that fact that they are not reliable; the trusty solution for the difficult situation it could be OnStar. Which is a service that in case of an accident or an emergency will contact you. If you are not able to answer, they will contact the police department, the hospital or the fire service. Therefore, nowadays cell phones are unnecessary devices because they are unreliable in emergency situations while you are in a car accident. In conclusion, I think drivers should be more conscious about using the cell phone while driving. As I said it earlier hand-free device is not safety at all, because requires the brain to be multitask. If drivers do not give up cell-phones the number of mortalities on the roads will continue to increase.

Monday, September 16, 2019


Smoke From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia For other uses, see Smoke (disambiguation). Smoke from a bee smoker, used inbeekeeping the smoke of burning tungsten in alightbulb Smoke is a collection of airborne solid and liquid particulates and gases[l] emitted when a material undergoes combustion or pyrolysis, together with the quantity of air that is entrained or otherwise mixed into the mass.It is commonly an unwanted by- product of fires (including stoves, candles, oil lamps, and fireplaces), but may also be used for pest control (fumigation), communication (smoke signals), defensive and ffensive capabilities in the military (smoke-screen), cooking (smoked salmon), or smoking (tobacco, cannabis, etc. ). Smoke is used in rituals, when incense, sage, or resin is burned to produce a smell for spiritual purposes. Smoke is sometimes used as a flavoring agent, and preservative for various foodstuffs.Smoke is also a component of internal combustion engine exhaust gas, particularly diesel exhaust. Smoke inhalation is the primary cause of death in victims of indoor fires. The smoke kills by a combination of thermal damage, poisoning andpulmonary irritation caused y carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and other combustion products. Smoke particles are an aerosol (or mist) of solid particles and liquid droplets that are close to the ideal range of sizes for Mie scattering of visible light.This effect has been likened to three-dimensional textured privacy glass[citation needed] † a smoke cloud does not obstruct an image, but thoroughly scrambles it. Contents [hide] 1 Chemical composition 1. 1 Visible and invisible particles of combustion 2 Dangers of smoke 2. 1 Smoke corrosion 3 Secondhand smoke inhalation 4 Measurement of smoke 5 Medicinal smoke 6 See also 7 References External links Chemical composition[edit] This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. April 2011) The composition of smoke depends on the nature of the burn at a high temperature and with small amount of smoke produced; the particles are mostly composed of ash, or with large temperature differences, of condensed aerosol of water. High temperature also leads to production of nitrogen oxides. Sulfur content yields sulfur dioxide, or in case of incomplete combustion, hydrogen sulfide. Carbon and hydrogen are almost completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. Fires burning with lack of oxygen produce a significantly wider palette of compounds, many of them toxic.Partial oxidation of carbon produces carbon monoxide, nitrogen- containing materials can yield hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, and nitrogen oxides. Hydrogen gas can be produced instead of water. Content of halogens such as chlorine (e. g. in polyvinyl chloride or brominated flame retardants) may lead to production of e. g. hydrogen chloride, phosgene,dioxin, and chloromethane, bromomethane and other halocarbons. Hydrogen fluoride can e formed from fluorocarbons, whether fluoropolymers subjected to fire or halocarbon fire suppression agents. 2] Phosphorus and antimony oxides and their reaction products can be formed from some fire retardant additives, increasing smoke toxicity and corrosivity. Pyrolysis of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), e. g. from burning older transformer oil, and to lower degree also of other chlorine-containing materials, can produce a potent carcinogen, and other polychlorinated dibenzodioxins. Pyrolysis of fluoropolymers, e. g. teflon, in presence of oxygen yields carbonyl fluoride (which hydrolyzes readily to HF and C02); ther compounds may be formed as well, e. g. arbon tetrafluoride, hexafluoropropylene, and highly toxic perfluoroisobutene Emission of soot from a large dieseltruck, without particle filters. Pyrolysis of burning material, especially incomplete combustion or smoldering without adequate oxygen supply, also results in production of a large amount of hydrocarbons, both aliphatic (methane, ethane, ethylene, acetylene) and aromatic (benzene and its derivates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; e. g. benzo[a]pyrene, studied as a carcinogen, or retene), terpenes. Heterocyclic compounds may be also present.Heavier hydrocarbons may condense as tar; smoke with significant tar content is yellow to brown. Presence of such smoke, soot, and/or brown oily deposits during a fire indicates a possible hazardous situation, as the atmosphere may be saturated with combustible pyrolysis products with concentration above the upper flammability limit, and sudden inrush of air can cause flashover or backdraft. Presence of sulfur can lead to formation of e. g. hydrogen sulfide, carbonyl sulfide, sulfur dioxide, carbon disulfide, and thiols; especially thiols tend to get adsorbed on surfaces and produce a ingering odor even long after the fire.Partial oxidation of the released hydrocarbons yields in a wide palette of other compound s: aldehydes (e. g. formaldehyde, acrolein, and furfural), ketones, alcohols (often aromatic, e. g. phenol, guaiacol, syringol, catechol, and cresols), carboxylic acids (formic acid, acetic acid, etc. ). The visible particulate matter in such smokes is most commonly composed of carbon (soot). Other particulates may be composed of drops of condensed tar, or solid particles of ash. The presence of metals in the fuel yields e. g. ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, or sodium chloride.Inorganic salts present on the surface of the soot particles may make themhydrophilic. Many organic compounds, typically the aromatic hydrocarbons, may be also adsorbed on the surface of the solid particles. Metal oxides can be present when metal-containing fuels are burned, e. g. solid rocket fuels containing aluminium. Depleted uranium projectiles after impacting the target ignite, producing particles of uranium oxides. Magnetic particles, spherules of magnetite-like ferrous ferric oxide, are present in coal smoke; their increase in deposits after 1860 marks the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. ] (Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles can be also produced in the smoke from meteorites burning in the atmosphere. ) [5] Magnetic remanence, recorded in the iron oxide particles, indicates the strength of Earth's magnetic field when they were cooled beyond their Curie temperature; this can be used to distinguish magnetic particles of terrestrial and meteoric origin. [6] Fly ash is composed mainly of silicaand calcium oxide. Cenospheres are present in smoke from liquid hydrocarbon fuels. Minute metal particles produced by abrasion can be present in engine smokes.Amorphous silica particles are present n smokes from burning silicones; small proportion of silicon nitride particles can be formed in fires with insufficient oxygen. The silica particles have about 10 nm size, clumped to 70-100 nm aggregates and further agglomerated to chains. [3] Radioactive particles may be present due to tra ces of uranium, thorium, or other radionuclides in the fuel; hot particles can be present in case of fires during nuclear accidents (e. g. Chernobyl disaster) or nuclear war. Smoke particulates have three modes of particle size distribution: nuclei mode, with geometric mean radius between 2. 20 nm, likely forming by condensation of carbon moieties. accumulation mode, ranging between 75-250 nm and formed by coagulation of nuclei mode particles coarse mode, with particles in micrometer range Most of the smoke material is primarily in coarse particles. Those undergo rapid dry precipitation, and the smoke damage in more distant areas outside of the room where the fire occurs is therefore primarily mediated by the smaller particles. [7] Aerosol of particles beyond visible size is an early indicator of materials in a preignition stage of a fire. 3] Burning of hydrogen-rich fuel produces water; this esults in smoke containing droplets of water vapor. In absence of other color sources (nitr ogen oxides, particulates†¦ ), such smoke is white and cloud-like. Smoke emissions may contain characteristic trace elements. Vanadium is present in emissions from oil fired power plants and refineries; oil plants also emit some nickel. Coal combustionproduces emissions containing aluminium, arsenic, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, mercury, sel enium, and uranium. Traces of vanadium in high-temperature combustion products form droplets of molten vanadates.These attack the passivation layers on metals and ause high temperature corrosion, which is a concern especially for internal combustion engines. Molten sulfate and lead particulates also have such effect. Some components of smoke are characteristic of the combustion source. Guaiacol and its derivatives are products of pyrolysis of lignin and are characteristic of wood smoke; other markers aresyringol and derivates, and of forest fires. Levoglucosan is a pyrolysis product of cellulose. Hardwood vssoftwood smokes differ in the ratio of guaiacols/syringols.Markers for vehicle exhaust include polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, hopanes, steranes, and specific nitroarenes (e. . I-nitropyrene). The ratio of hopanes and steranes to elemental carbon can be used to distinguish between emissions of gasoline and diesel engines. [8] Many compounds can be associated with particulates; whether by being adsorbed on their surfaces, or by being dissolved in liquid droplets. Hydrogen chloride is well absorbed in the soot particles. [7] Inert particulate matter can be disturbed and entrained into the smoke. Of particular concern are particles of asbestos.Deposited hot particles of radioactive fallout and bioaccumulated radioisotopes can be reintroduced into the atmosphere y wildfires and forest fires; this is a concern in e. g. the Zone of alienationcontaining contaminants from the Chernobyl disaster. Polymers are a significant source of smoke. Aromatic side groups, e. g. in polystyrene, enhance generation of smoke. Aromati c groups integrated in the polymer backbone produce less smoke, likely due to significant charring. Aliphatic polymers tend to generate the least smoke, and are non-self-extinguishing.However presence of additives can significantly increase smoke formation. phosphorus-based and halogen-based flame retardants decrease production of smoke. Higher degree of cross-linking between the polymer chains has such effect too. [9] Visible and invisible particles of combustion[edit] Smoke from a wildfire Depending on particle size, smoke can be visible or invisible to the naked eye. This is best illustrated when toasting bread in a toaster. As the bread heats up, the products of combustion increase in size. The particles produced initially are invisible but become visible if the toast is burned or cooled rapidly.Smoke from a typical house fire contains hundreds of different chemicals and fumes. As a result, the damage aused by the smoke can often exceed that caused by the actual heat of the fire . In addition to the physical damage caused by the smoke of a fire – which manifests itself in the form of stains – is the often even harder to eliminate problem of a smoky odor. Just as there are contractors that specialize in rebuilding/repairing homes that have been damaged by fire and smoke, fabric restoration companies specialize in restoring fabrics that have been damaged in a fire.Dangers of smoke[edit] Smoke from oxygen-deprived fires contains a significant concentration of compounds that are flammable. A cloud of smoke, in contact with atmospheric oxygen, therefore has the potential of being ignited – either by another open flame in the area, or by its own temperature. This leads to effects like backdraft and flashover. Smoke inhalation is also a danger of smoke that can cause serious injury and death. Many compounds of smoke from fires are highly toxic and/or irritating. The most dangerous is carbon monoxide leading to carbon monoxide poisoning, someti mes with the additive effects ofhydrogen cyanide and phosgene.Smoke inhalation can therefore quickly lead to incapacitation and loss of consciousness. Sulfur oxides, hydrogen chloride nd hydrogen fluoride in contact with moisture and materials. When asleep the nose does not sense smoke nor does the brain, but the body will wake up if the lungs become enveloped in smoke and the brain will be stimulated and the person will be awoken. This does not work if the person is incapacitated or under the influence of Drugs and/or alcohol Cigarette smoke is a major modifiable risk factor for lung disease, heart disease, and many cancers.Reduced visibility due to wildfire smoke in Sheremetyevo airport (Moscow, Russia) 7 August 2010. Smoke can obscure visibility, impeding occupant exiting from fire areas. In fact, the poor visibility due to the smoke that was in the Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse fire in Worcester, Massachusetts was the exact reason why the trapped rescue firefighters couldn't evacuate the building in time. Because of the striking similarity that each floor shared, the dense smoke caused the firefighters to become disoriented. 10] Smoke corrosion[edit] Smoke contains a wide variety of chemicals, many of them aggressive in nature. Examples are hydrochloric acid and hydrobromic acid, produced fromhalogen- containing plastics and fire retardants, hydrofluoric acid released y pyrolysis of fluorocarbon fire suppression agents, sulfuric acid from burning of sulfur-containing materials, nitric acid from high-temperature fires where nitrous oxide gets formed, phosphoric acid and antimonycompounds from P and Sb based fire retardants, and many others.Such corrosion is not significant for structural materials, but delicate structures, especially microelectronics, are strongly affected. Corrosion of circuit board traces, penetration of aggressive chemicals through the casings of parts, and other effects can cause an immediate or gradual deterioration f parameters or even premature (and often delayed, as the corrosion can progress over long time) failure of equipment subjected to smoke.Many smoke components are also electrically conductive; deposition of a conductive layer on the circuits can cause crosstalks and other deteriorations of the operating parameters or even cause short circuits and total failures. Electrical contacts can be affected by corrosion of surfaces, and by deposition of soot and other conductive particles or nonconductive layers on or across the contacts. Deposited particles may adversely affect the erformance of optoelectronics by absorbing or scattering the light beams.Corrosivity of smoke produced by materials is characterized by the corrosion index (C'), defined as material loss rate (angstrom/minute) per amount of material gasified products (grams) per volume of air (m3). It is measured by exposing strips of metal to flow of combustion products in a test tunnel. Polymers containing halogen and hydrogen (polyvinyl chlori de, polyolefins with halogenated additives, etc. ) have the highest Cl as the corrosive acids are formed directly with water produced by the combustion, polymers containing halogen only (e. polytetrafluoroethylene) have lower Cl as the formation of acid is limited to reactions with airborne humidity, and halogen-free materials (polyolefins, wood) have the lowest Cl. [7] However, some halogen-free materials can also release significant amount of corrosive products. [11] Smoke damage to electronic equipment can be significantly more extensive than the fire itself. Cable fires are of special concern; low smoke zero halogen materials are any substance or structure, the chemicals contained in it are transferred to it.The corrosive properties of the chemicals cause the substance or structure to decompose t a rapid rate. In some instances the chemicals are absorbed into the substance or structure that it comes into contact with, i. e. clothing, unsealed surfaces, potable water piping, wood , etc. , which is why in most cases dealing with a structure fire they are replaced. Secondhand smoke inhalation[edit] Secondhand smoke is the combination of both sidestream and mainstream smoke emissions. These emissions contain more than 50 carcinogenic chemicals.According to the Surgeon General's latest report on the subject, â€Å"Short exposures to secondhand smoke can cause blood platelets to become stickier, damage the lining f blood vessels, decrease coronary flow velocity reserves, and reduce heart variability, potentially increasing the risk of a heart attack† [12] The American Cancer Society lists â€Å"heart disease, lung infections, increased asthma attacks, middle ear infections, and low birth weight† as ramifications of smoker's emission [13] Measurement of smoke[edit] As early as the 1 5th Century Leonardo da Vinci commented at length on the difficulty of assessing smoke, and distinguished between black smoke (carbonized particles) and white ‘smok e' which is not a smoke at all but merely a suspension of harmless ater droplets. Smoke from heating appliances is commonly measured in one of the following ways: In-line capture. A smoke sample is simply sucked through a filter which is weighed before and after the test and the mass of smoke found. This is the simplest and probably the most accurate method, but can only be used where the smoke concentration is slight, as the filter can quickly become blocked. Filter/dilution tunnel.A smoke sample is drawn through a tube where it is diluted with air, the resulting smoke/air mixture is then pulled through a filter and weighed. This is the nternationally recognized method of measuring smoke from combustion. Electrostatic precipitation. The smoke is passed through an array of metal tubes which contain suspended wires. A (huge) electrical potential is applied across the tubes and wires so that the smoke particles become charged and are attracted to the sides of the tubes. This method ca n over-read by capturing harmless condensates, or under-read due to the insulating effect of the smoke. However, it is the necessary method for assessing volumes of smoke too great to be forced through a filter, i. . , from bituminous coal. [14] Ringelmann scale. A measure of smoke color. Invented by Professor Maximilian Ringelmann in Paris in 1888, it is essentially a card with squares of black, white and shades of gray which is held up and the comparative grayness of the smoke Judged. Highly dependent on light conditions and the skill of the observer it allocates a grayness number from O (white) to 5 (black) which has only a passing relationship to the actual quantity of smoke. Nonetheless, the simplicity of the Ringelmann scale means that it has been adopted as a standard in many countries. Optical scattering. A light beam is passed through the smoke.A light detector is situated at an angle to the light source, typically at 900, so that it receives only light reflected from passi ng particles. A measurement is made of the light received which will be lower as the concentration of smoke particles becomes higher. Optical obscuration. A light beam is passed through the smoke and a detector opposite light will be measured. Combined optical methods. There are various proprietary optical smoke measurement devices such as the ‘nephelometer' or the ‘aethalometer' which use several different optical methods, including more than one wavelength of ight, inside a single instrument and apply an algorithm to give a good estimate of smoke. Inference from carbon monoxide.Smoke is incompletely burned fuel, carbon monoxide is incompletely burned carbon, therefore it has long been assumed that measurement of CO in flue gas (a cheap, simple and very accurate procedure) will provide a good indication of the levels of smoke. Indeed, several Jurisdictions use CO measurement as the basis of smoke control. However it is far from clear how accurate the correspondence is. Medicinal smoke[edit] Throughout recorded history, humans have used the smoke of medicinal plants to cure illness. A sculpture from Persepolis shows Darius the Great (522-486 SC), the king of Persia, with twocensers in front of him for burning Peganum harmala and/ or sandalwood Santalum album, which was believed to protect the king from evil and disease. More than 300 plant species in 5 continents are used in smoke form for different diseases.As a method of drug administration, smoking is important as it is a simple, inexpensive, but very effective method of extracting particles containing active agents. More importantly, generating smoke reduces the particle size to a microscopic scale thereby increasing the absorption of its active chemical principles. 1 5] see alsocedit] Wikimedia Commons has media related to Smoke.